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Today we are gonna talk about some differences in school!
Today we are gonna talk about some differences in school!
Let's start with after school activities:
Sports and clubs are a big part of high school for Americans. From football practice to the yearbook club to play rehearsal, and all of these meetings took place after school. None of this exists in Italy. Some students do participate in sports, but it is not through the school. The student does not hang around after the last school bell rings.
Lockers and Class:
Going to the lockers between classes is not a thing in Italy. The student does not need lockers because we always have all our books with us. when we go to class in the morning, we will stay for the whole day. The teachers are the ones who change classroom every hour. The same 20-30 students attend the same classes together in the same classroom for the whole year.
Public or private schools are the only option for high school in the US. Everyone basically takes the same core classes and these classes are chosen by a guidance counselor. Each year, students have a final exam, and everyone in New York state, for example, takes the same final exam.
Choosing school:
High schools in Italy are five years and are very specific schools specialized in a subject. During the last year of middle school, we have to choose one subject and the high school where to study it. Not all high schools have all subjects, for example, I studied Graphic Design in high school and my school was only Graphic Design and Mechanical Engineering.Promo and Homecoming:
These are two big events for high school students in the United States. During the last year of high school, everyone is excited and waiting for the beginning of June just for that. In Italy, we have nothing of the kind. The only little "party" we have is usually the last day of school. During it, each class creates a team for the volleyball tournament and a team for the soccer tournament. Once the tournaments are over there is catering with food and drinks.
These are two big events for high school students in the United States. During the last year of high school, everyone is excited and waiting for the beginning of June just for that. In Italy, we have nothing of the kind. The only little "party" we have is usually the last day of school. During it, each class creates a team for the volleyball tournament and a team for the soccer tournament. Once the tournaments are over there is catering with food and drinks.
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